Custody and visitation agreements can be the most hard-fought of battles when parents divorce – and even having an official order in place doesn’t necessarily end the drama. Custody and visitation agreements often need to be modified over time. When there’s been a...
Pender County Law Blog
Trying to co-parent with a narcissist
Navigating co-parenting with a narcissist can be incredibly challenging and overwhelming. Whether you are in the beginning stages of separating or have already been through a divorce, understanding how to interact and communicate effectively with someone who is...
Does adultery affect spousal support in a North Carolina divorce?
In the modern world, people are more tolerant of behaviors that were once extremely taboo. Adultery, for example, is often forgiven or understood by the general public in particularly troubled or intolerable marriages. Unfortunately, family courts in North Carolina do...
The dangers and types of distracted driving
Driving the same route, with the same scenery, day after day can become monotonous. It is easy to see why so many drivers get distracted. Also, there are more than a few distractions inside and outside a vehicle, making it even easier to take your mind and eyes off...
3 tips for successful co-parenting
Co-parenting can help children to adjust better to life after a divorce. It’s critical that parents work together to ensure their kids have everything they need. This includes being able to count on both parents. It’s not always easy to work with an ex to raise your...
Examples of visual driving distractions
There are technically three different types of driving distractions. These include visual distractions, manual, distractions and cognitive distractions. People sometimes assume that all distracted driving looks the same, but this helps to show how varied it can be....
Why space is key to safe driving
Have you ever driven on an empty road? There’s freedom in knowing that you don’t have to worry about anyone else, that the only person who could harm you is yourself. Yet that is not how driving usually works. Most days, your safety depends on many other people. If...
Incarceration – how does it impact child custody?
When a couple that shares a child files for divorce, the court will come up with a custody and parenting plan. This may involve awarding joint custody or giving primary custody to one parent while the other is granted visitation rights. But what happens when one...
Reasons to decline standardized field sobriety tests
You’re headed home one night, minding your own business – but you slide through a stop sign without coming to a full stop while an officer is watching. Before you know what is happening, the officer is asking you some questions that clearly indicate you’re under...
Pets and prenups: What to keep in mind before you marry
You and your partner fell in love, moved in together and are planning your wedding. You even got a dog together, and that makes your family feel complete. Unfortunately, you’re also a realist: You know that relationships can change and even when there are two good...