When driving behind a commercial truck, keeping a safe following distance is essential for accident prevention. Passenger vehicle drivers need to be mindful of specific sections of the road where it’s especially important to increase the following distance behind a...
Motor Vehicle Accidents
Why motorcyclists are at greater risk in motor vehicle accidents
Motorcycles offer a unique sense of freedom on the road, making them an appealing choice for many. However, that sense of liberation comes with significant risks. Motorcyclists face much greater dangers in the event of motor vehicle accidents, as compared to those in...
3 top safety tips for traveling during the holiday season
The holidays are largely about connecting with loved ones. People may drive to their parents' homes to get together with their siblings, nieces and nephews or may even do a tour of homes, visiting each relative in succession to exchange gifts or socialize. Many people...
Can a crash increase my insurance premiums if I’m not at fault?
There is a direct relationship between an individual's driving record and how much an insurance company can justify charging for their coverage. The more tickets someone has on their recent record and the more crashes they have caused, the higher their premium will...
The dangers and types of distracted driving
Driving the same route, with the same scenery, day after day can become monotonous. It is easy to see why so many drivers get distracted. Also, there are more than a few distractions inside and outside a vehicle, making it even easier to take your mind and eyes off...
Examples of visual driving distractions
There are technically three different types of driving distractions. These include visual distractions, manual, distractions and cognitive distractions. People sometimes assume that all distracted driving looks the same, but this helps to show how varied it can be....
Why space is key to safe driving
Have you ever driven on an empty road? There’s freedom in knowing that you don’t have to worry about anyone else, that the only person who could harm you is yourself. Yet that is not how driving usually works. Most days, your safety depends on many other people. If...
What happens when you accept a car insurance settlement?
Your plans for the future can unravel in an instant after a car crash. You won't be making it to work, nor will you be going out with your friends like you had expected to on Friday night. Your plans for at least the next few days, if not the next few months, will...
What you need to know about North Carolina wrongful death suits
When someone dies in a car crash caused by a reckless, negligent or impaired driver, how can surviving loved ones seek justice and compensation? In a number of states, close family members are allowed to bring a wrongful death suit against the driver and potentially...
How does fatigued driving happen and what are the signs?
As a driver, you need a great deal of focus to operate a motor vehicle safely. However, it is not uncommon even for the most experienced drivers to suffer exhaustion, especially after driving for several hours. Studies show that the impacts of driver fatigue are...