You have to handle many financial challenges during a divorce, including credit card debt. However, just like many other aspects of divorce, determining who is responsible for credit card debt can be complex. Usually, debt incurred during a marriage is the...
Pender County Law Blog
What happens when you accept a car insurance settlement?
Your plans for the future can unravel in an instant after a car crash. You won't be making it to work, nor will you be going out with your friends like you had expected to on Friday night. Your plans for at least the next few days, if not the next few months, will...
Do you have to let the police look in your car?
If the police pull you over, they may ask to search your car. This is similar to how they may knock on the door and ask to search your house. You do have the right to say no. You’re not obligated to give your consent just because the police officer asked. However,...
Is spousal support compulsory in North Carolina?
Spousal support, otherwise referred to as alimony, is financial support given to a spouse by the other during or after divorce. It is meant to enable the dependent spouse to maintain similar standards of living accustomed to during the marriage. However, unlike child...
What you need to know about North Carolina wrongful death suits
When someone dies in a car crash caused by a reckless, negligent or impaired driver, how can surviving loved ones seek justice and compensation? In a number of states, close family members are allowed to bring a wrongful death suit against the driver and potentially...
How does fatigued driving happen and what are the signs?
As a driver, you need a great deal of focus to operate a motor vehicle safely. However, it is not uncommon even for the most experienced drivers to suffer exhaustion, especially after driving for several hours. Studies show that the impacts of driver fatigue are...
How to minimize the risk of a wreck on your morning commute
You’d love to work from home, but you have one of those jobs that requires a daily commute – and there are some days you feel like it’s sheer luck you make it to the office in one piece. Is there anything you can do to make the commute less hazardous? While you can’t...
These 2 steps will help you to prepare for a divorce
The day you realize your marriage is over is one that you will probably always remember. While some people might think that this is the perfect day to file for a divorce, there’s a chance that taking a little time to prepare might be best. Of course, if you’re in...
2 police errors that can help your DWI case
If the police make an error or mistake during an investigation into whether you were driving while impaired (DWI) by drugs or alcohol, it may give you some new opportunities for a defense. It’s important to understand your responsibilities and rights in these...
What if you get stopped for suspicion of DWI?
Getting pulled over for suspicion of DWI can be a nerve-wracking experience. What will happen next? Will you be arrested? We will discuss your rights and the steps that you should take to protect yourself if you’re ever in this situation. Your rights during a DWI...