Motorcycles offer a unique sense of freedom on the road, making them an appealing choice for many. However, that sense of liberation comes with significant risks. Motorcyclists face much greater dangers in the event of motor vehicle accidents, as compared to those in...
Pender County Law Blog
When can child support be modified?
Child support orders help to ensure that both of a child’s parents share the financial responsibilities of raising that child even though the adults aren’t in a relationship any longer. It helps the parent who receives the support to pay for things like the child’s...
3 of the most common myths about child custody matters
Custody challenges are often the most pressing aspect of a divorce or breakup. Parents who have decided to change a relationship worry that their decision could affect the bond they have with their children. A surprising number of people actually choose to remain in...
How is alimony determined in North Carolina?
Alimony, which is financial support paid by one ex-spouse to the other after divorce, is a significant consideration during many divorces filed in North Carolina. This support traditionally aims to mitigate the economic effects of divorce by providing a continuing...
How is property divided in a North Carolina divorce?
Thousands of married couples divorce in North Carolina every year. Almost all of them need to address property division matters. Only those who divorce very quickly after marriage or who have airtight prenuptial agreements can divorce without any property-related...
3 top safety tips for traveling during the holiday season
The holidays are largely about connecting with loved ones. People may drive to their parents' homes to get together with their siblings, nieces and nephews or may even do a tour of homes, visiting each relative in succession to exchange gifts or socialize. Many people...
Can a crash increase my insurance premiums if I’m not at fault?
There is a direct relationship between an individual's driving record and how much an insurance company can justify charging for their coverage. The more tickets someone has on their recent record and the more crashes they have caused, the higher their premium will...
How is child custody decided in North Carolina?
When people have children together, they often anticipate raising them jointly. They expect to address challenges as they arise and may never sit down together to discuss their plans for parenting. However, relationships don't always go the way that people anticipate,...
Can visitation agreements be modified?
Custody and visitation agreements can be the most hard-fought of battles when parents divorce – and even having an official order in place doesn’t necessarily end the drama. Custody and visitation agreements often need to be modified over time. When there’s been a...
Trying to co-parent with a narcissist
Navigating co-parenting with a narcissist can be incredibly challenging and overwhelming. Whether you are in the beginning stages of separating or have already been through a divorce, understanding how to interact and communicate effectively with someone who is...