Many are familiar with the process of divorce. It generally involves filing paperwork with the court and developing a divorce separation agreement. But how long does this take? On average, divorces that are negotiated generally take about a year while those that go to...
Do you qualify for a divorce in North Carolina?
A marriage is a legal contract. To be able to end your marriage, you must make sure you met the legal requirements for a divorce. Just as with any other legal situation, the law outlines the things you must do or the conditions that must occur for you to qualify to...
3 tips for co-parenting before a new school year
The start of a new school year may be exciting for both you and your children. But a new school year can be a difficult transition for your family if you recently finalized your divorce. According to the American Psychological Association, approximately 40 to 50% of...
Do women struggle more than men in grey divorce?
Grey divorce refers to any divorce that occurs between a couple over 50 years old. These grey divorcees often face unique hurdles that younger couples do not have to worry about, simply due to the different places you are in life. But did you know that women often...
Is nesting an option for your post-divorce family?
In many divorces, the couple decides to sell the family home and split the proceeds from the sale. If you go this route, you and your ex-spouse must each relocate to a new residence. Doing so, though, may take a toll on your children, as they may have to change...
Tips for successful divorce mediation
Divorce mediation can potentially help you settle significant issues with your former spouse without going to court. This form of alternative dispute resolution helps lay the foundation for a cooperative coparenting relationship if you have children. If you have...
Why are gray divorce rates rising?
Over the years, gray divorce rates have continually climbed. Gray divorce refers to any divorcing couple in their 50s or older. Many experts speculate on the potential reasons for this continued growth. What do the experts think cause the spike in rates? And what...
Can “nesting” help our divorcing family?
Co-parenting may be in the best interest of the children, but that does not make it an easy arrangement. Because of the difficulties inherent with many co-parenting situations, some families have been experimenting with alternative living solutions. One of these...
How can I ensure I can afford the mortgage alone after divorce?
Marriage provides an opportunity for pooling resources. Doing so makes it much easier to qualify for economic opportunities you may not have qualified for alone, especially in your younger years. For instance, you may have purchased a home with your ex in your 20s....
What do you need to know about separation before divorce?
Separation is a requirement for — and often a preliminary stage to — divorce in North Carolina. The statute states that you must separate for one year before divorce. However, this may not be as much of a restriction as you might think. Here are some of the details of...